Think for a few moments - Questions you should ask yourself to live the life you want in 2025
How do I see myself in 5 years?
Overweight, sick or fit and healthy? In debt or financially free? Married or single? Drunk or sober? Good career or any job?
Set goals and create a plan if you want something in life and obviously follow your plan. Otherwise, life will bring you what you don't want.

What are your priorities?
God or the devil? Your family or your bad habits? Your career or television? Your health or alcohol? Your exercise or social media?
Once you have your priorities clear, your day, week, month and year will be invested in your priorities. And that will be your life.
Am I living the life I want?
If not, what do you need to change? What are you doing that makes you unhappy? What can you improve or what should you stop doing? What is stopping you from living the life you want to live?
Do I love myself?
Can you be alone without any distractions for a long time? Do you say nice things to yourself? Have you healed your traumas? Have you forgiven yourself? Have you forgiven others? Is your conscience clear?
What can I improve on?
Do you know everything about your career? How is your marriage going? How are you financially? How is your health? How is your relationship with God?

What do I need to learn to improve my life?
What books do you need to read? What seminars do you need to attend? What courses do you need to take? In what areas of your life are you failing?
How can I help the world?
What suffering do you see in the world? What needs do you see in the world? How can you make the world better? How would you like others to help you? Would the world be better if?
What do I value? How do I spend my time every day? What do my actions say? What is a value?
Am I ready for any financial emergency?
Do I have money saved? How much do I have saved? Will it help me in an emergency? Will it cover me for three months if I lose my job?
Am I mentally stable?
Do my emotions take over me? Do I get angry, sad, or react easily? Can be alone? Do I have to turn on the TV or radio when I feel alone? Do I not think before I react? Do I get carried away by pleasures? Do I usually regret when I react? Do I drink alcohol, drugs, or medication in order to feel good?
Am I eating or drinking things that harm me?

Does what I eat make me sick? Do I eat processed food? Do I drink alcohol? Do I eat nutritious food? Do the things I eat have chemicals in them? Is my water clean?
Do I want to improve?
Am I happy with the level of ignorance I have? Do I want to be healthy? Do I want my marriage to be magical? Do I want to be at peace? Do I want to get closer to God? Do I want a better career? Do I want to earn more? Do I want more free time? Do I want to be a leader?
What do I tell myself all day?
What do I think about? Do I tell myself positive or negative things? Do I judge people? Do I think about my goals? Do I worry? Do I think about the past? Do I dream of good things? Do I motivate myself?
Am I progressing in my life?
Am I better than last year? Do I have more business? Does my business have better income? Do I help more people? Do I have a better position at work? Is my marriage closer than before? Am I stronger and healthier? Do I weigh less in fat? I have no illnesses? Do I contribute more to the community?
How strong am I mentally?
If I have a misfortune, will I be able to overcome it? How do I take my misfortunes? Do I get depressed easily? Do I run away from things that are difficult? Do I like to be challenged to do something I am not used to? Do I like to get out of my comfort zone? Do I exercise rigorously? Have I overcome my traumas?

Do people seek my support?
Am I a leader? Have I had experiences that help me to give advice? Do I learn to help? Do I make people feel comfortable in my presence? Am I a person of integrity? Am I trustworthy? Can I help?
Do I seek the truth or what is convenient for me?
Do I let myself be guided by my pleasures instead of doing what is right? Do I seek the truth even though I don't like to accept it? Do I seek God? Do I fight with my negative self to accept the truth?
Do I let life bring me what it wants or do I work for what I want?
Do I set goals?
Do I have a plan? Do I follow my plan? Do I fight for what I want? Do I live with purpose?
These are some questions that you should take into account if you want to improve your next year 2025. Don't take it lightly. Your sincere answers will be the catalyst to change your life this year 2025.