It has been 23 years since I started to exercise. I have managed to stay at 11% body fat in those 23 years. I have increased 45 pounds of muscle and lost 5 pounds of fat weighing 175 pounds when I used to weigh 135.
I am talking about my body not to brag about it, but to prove a point and motivate you to do the same, showing you that it is possible when you want it.
So in this article I want to give you some tips for you to follow to stay fit for life…
But first, I want to clarify that I want you to be realistic and don’t follow a fake image of many influencers who are selling you a product, service or their image.
Many influences opt to have surgeries, take steroids, do extreme unhealthy diets, use filters, camera angles and lighting to improve their image when they present a content. I don’t have anything against what they do. If they want to hurt their mental and physical health is their decision and I have no say in their lives. But, I do have a problem when they present unrealistic and unsustainable results showing an image that is not reality.

Once again, I have been at 11% body fat these 23 years. I don’t diet, take drugs, use camera tricks or anything when I record my videos. What you see in video is what you are going to see in real life.
My goal is for you to stay fit, toned and healthy for your whole life with realistic expectations and not only to show your body for a show, video or pictures. Now if this is your plan, this article is not for you.
The first thing that you need to have in mind is to be between 18 and 22 body fat percentage for women and 9 to 12 for men…
This way you can define your muscles with no fat around them. Yes, you can go lower, but if you do, make sure what you do is sustainable, not making extreme habits over exercising and following unhealthy diets.
To get to the percentage you need to eat healthy, not follow a diet, eat healthy. Learn how to eat healthy…

There is so much information for you to start a healthy diet. I have many articles that teach you how you can start eating healthy. Get rid of the processed foods, any other drink except water, eat whole foods, eat on schedule, eat a diet high in veggies, and discontinue foods that your body can’t digest.
Make an exercise routine that you are going to follow for life…
Don’t make the mistake of wanting to over exercise when you start or do it for seasons. Find a routine that fits your life and make it a habit where you know you are not going to miss days. Find a weight lifting program that works all big muscle groups, makes you stronger, gives you endurance and prepares your body for daily tasks.
Make your cardio a hobby…
I think cardiovascular training should be something you really enjoy. As a matter of fact, it should be one of your hobbies. Biking, hiking, walking, running, swimming are some examples of things you can do. Make it something you enjoy everyday or at least 3 times a week.
Don’t compare yourself with fake images…

Yes, you may be able to look like one of those influencers who are ripped if you decide to or you can look like one of those girls who have decided to mutilate their bodies, but that is not going to be for life. So be realistic with what you can achieve and you can sustain for life. Don’t buy on fake ideas and images.
However, if your goal is to have those results for some period of time only, of course, you can do as you wish.
Stay grounded on your values…

I value health, acceptance and authenticity. When I record video, take pictures or do anything in front of people, I am always who I am. I don’t use camera tricks, filters, use oils on my body, tant for the event, use drugs or anything like that. I am fit for anything I need to do because I value being authentic, healthy and I accept myself. So if you have similar values, stay founded and don’t be persuaded by anyone to betray yourself.