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Use Your Depression to Lose Weight

Writer's picture: Sandro TorresSandro Torres

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

People cope with depression in different ways — with psychotropic drugs, alcohol, shopping or food...

This is not a good way to lose weight fast or to even lose weight. But there is no better way than controlling your mind and turn it around.

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I know how hard depression can be. I have been there. Therefore, I can empathize with people who have been or are in depression. It took me three years before I could regain my confidence.

Depression is a state of mind. It happens to everyone, especially when we suffer a loss, such as the death of a close loved one, a divorce, the foreclosure of a house in which we’ve invested part of our life or the loss of a body part such as our legs, eyes, arms, etc. It is common sense that we are going to get depressed when losing something that used to be part of our life and added value in some way.

I have a client who was overweight by about 25 pounds...

After the death of her mother, she gained 45 more pounds. She weighed 185 pounds and was 5 feet tall. She was sedentary and overeating because she did not care about life. I called this autodestructive habit. She was living a depressing life for two years until she understood that her mother wanted her to be happy and let her rest.

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My client changed her psychological outlook and started to walk, hike and eat healthily. She lost 15 pounds on her own. Then she got stuck, and even though she tried, she could not continue losing weight. She thought it was impossible to lose more weight, until she came to see me.

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This is when I met her. She told me her story and how she had lost the 15 pounds. She thought she was eating healthily. I bet she was eating healthier than before, but she needed some improvements in her eating habits. The walking and hiking was not enough for her anymore. So she signed up with our weight-loss program. My client now has lost an additional 30 pounds and weighs 140 pounds. She is losing an average of 5 pounds per month. She has being with us for 4 months now.

She started acting as soon as possible and use her depression to lose weight...

After my client figured out her problem, she took imperfect action, and when she got stuck she asked for a professional. She decided to continue her journey and not give up and regain the weight she lost. My client is very happy with her results and is motivated to continue losing the extra pounds.

Maybe you can relate to her story and you need some motivation or a model to follow that shows you that the extra weight you have can be shed. She told me that it’s never too late to try something new, so remember that you can use your depression to lose weight.


Custom Body Fitness is located in Glenwood Springs CO and Carbondale CO

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